Irrational Games Releases Final BioShock Infinite DLC, Burial at Sea Episode 2

2K Games has released the launch trailer for Irrational Games final BioShock Infinite DLC, Burial at Sea Episode 2, which was released today on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, priced at £11.99/$14.99. The game’s Burial at Sea DLC is split into two parts; the first one launched in November, which players got to continue to play the role of Infinite protagonist Booker, but in this second episode you will be playing as Elizabeth for the first time.

In episode one of Burial at Sea, you are in an alternate universe, where there is another version of Elizabeth that comes into your office, and you are known as Booker Dewitt. You are asked to find a child named Sally, and after helping this lady light her cigarette, you jump into Rapture quickly when you go outside of your door. Though this is a different Rapture than before, feels like a community, rather than robotics all around you randomly speaking out.

Though soon that will sadly change. With the glimpse of Rapture you saw right outside of your office door, with regular people in it, doing normal things, who have conversations that question ” What if the Big Daddies rebelled?” As you go into the main part of the game, you’ll finally see the messed up part of Rapture during the eve of its destruction.

With the second episode, questions are being answered, and you pick up where the story left off. Though this time you control Elizabeth, and that requires to change your outlook on how to approach. Level designer Amanda Jeffrey has said that playing as Elizabeth ‘will be a less combat-focused and more strategic experience, suggesting players may have to use stealth rather than deadly force to outsmart enemies.’ Elizabeth lacks Booker’s offensive options, and being that she was there for Booker to throw him health and ammo when the time called for it, she does not have that friend tagging along to do the same for her. Playing as Elizabeth, you will also have the ability to see enemies and objects through walls, and you will also be able to turn invisible.

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