Simon Collins-Laflamme and Philippe Touchette founded Minecraft’s Hypixel Network in 2013, which become one of the game’s most popular servers. Having known the Minecraft world so well, Hypixel Studio’s has been hard at work on creating a new game done in the familiar blocky style of Minecraft. It’s a new co-op RPG adventure game known as Hytale, and it’s more than just a story adventure:
Hytale seems to be jamming in a lot more than just a single story line that players can team-up and make their way through. The trailer shows off that their style has gone beyond just simple blocks and wedges to create a vast new series of shapes and designs; this applies for their characters, creatures and monsters, their weapons, and much more.
The trailer shows off that the game is more than just story. It caters to those who do want a story, for those who want to thrive and win in several minigames, and those who want to create. And boy, is there a lot to create. From mods in the game, to movies, to anything that can be thought of, Hytale has the option to create it. Hytale expresses on their website that there’s plenty of in-game model creating and 3D splines for players to use to the best of their ability to create movies, creatures, or anything.
But, if players are looking more for online battles, then minigames are more for them. The minigames are built and set to keep out any type of cheating systems so that the online multiplayer games are fair and just. Many of these minigames are classics from other Hypixel games, but there will also be a few new ones for players to try out.
But if players are looking for more lax and story-based gameplay, then the new adventure awaits them. There are several different game styles that players can choose from for their unique and completely customizable character, so there’s always something new to try. There are several fantasy storylines that players can find themselves in, from dungeons to towers, so there’s always a new adventure waiting around the corner. In Hytale there are several unique biodomes as well, so each location has their own unique set of monsters and quests for players to enjoy.
As of right now, Hytale only has a beta sign-up for PC and Mac with no set date for when the game will be released. Players can sign up for the beta if they want to try it out before the full release of the game at some point. For more information check out Hytale’s website.