How Does The PS Vita 2000 Compare To The Original?

With the new Sony PS Vita 2000 model out in Japan, it’s time to see how it stacks up to the original.

Like with a lot of Sony’s game hardware, different versions of the PS Vita offer different things. The biggest thing about the new PS Vita is that it no longer requires a specific cord for power and data transfer. Now you can use any micro USB cord (if you have a smartphone you almost certainly have one) to charge and transfer files onto the Vita.

The 2000 has also been redesigned to be more ergonomic, have an extra hour of battery life, and have sturdier shoulder buttons. The accessory port has been removed, but considering that went unused in the original Vita this is more of a boon than a downside.

What may be an actual downside is the display. While the original Vita sported an OLED screen, the new Vita 2000 has an LCD screen which just can’t keep up in image quality. If you’re the kind of person who has to play games with the best possible visuals, the convenience of micro USB and the better construction may not be enough to merit dropping extra money on the new model.

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