Hearthstone Announces Forthcoming Balance Changes For Several Cards

While it’s unofficial as to when Hearthstone: The Witchwood will be implementing these changes, the game’s most recent article explains what new updates are to come for its decks “In an update that will arrive some time after the HCT Playoffs are complete, we will be making balance changes”.

Naga Sea Witch will go from costing 5 mana to 8 mana, in hopes to maintain consistency within the game. By adding this delay, the intention was to assure that players would have accumulated enough tools to handle so many giants.

Spiteful Summoner will be increased to 7 mana, with the intention to align it with more powerful outcomes. Spiteful Summoner is reliable in obtaining a more powerful minion, but with its increase, it ensures players will be able to utilize its strength alongside other cards such as Ultimate Infestation.

The cost of Dark Pact will remain the same, but the amount of health regenerated is halved. This was done so to encourage players to consider the damaging impact they will suffer throughout the match.

Possessed Lackey has caused over powering issues during the early stages of matches. By increasing its mana cost, opposing players are given more time strategize their defenses, making it easier to defeat Possessed Lackey’s powerful card combos.

With Call to Arms residing in the few powerful Paladins deck such as: Even Paladin, Murloc Paladin, and Odd Paladin, the strength of the card was due to be reduced. By increasing the mana cost, the card cannot be used in the Even Paladin deck and its power is reduced in the Murloc Paladin deck. Though, it is anticipated that players will try to use the card for Odd Paladin, it is expected that it will not pack much of a punch.

Quest Rogue’s Crystal Core reward was altered from 5/5 minions to 4/4 minions. This was done so to keep the deck from struggling against all other archetypes. Because of the change, Quest Rogue is expected to be a more reasonable option “versus slow, extreme late-game decks, but offer a less polarized matchup with more moderate control decks.”


Deja Randle: Aspiring creative writer and avid gamer. I am either spending my time reading, writing, or getting countless kills in my favorite fighting games. I love staying up to date on the latest gaming innovations, and enjoy sharing that news with people who have the same interest.
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