The second expansion is finally coming to GWENT: The Witcher Card Game with Novigrad. Adding a new faction and plenty of new cards, CD Projekt Red has focused the expansion on the criminal underbelly of one of the largest cities in The Witcher universe. The new additions will include “some of the most wanted scoundrels, freebooters and cutthroats the free city has ever seen.” But new cards don’t stop at just the new factions, The Syndicate, there will be 15 new cross-faction cards that will be able to be used in any type of deck. Check out the trailer:
Novigrad is doing so much more than just introducing new cards, it’s also bringing new game mechanics and abilities to players. One of these new mechanics is the interplay of Crowns, a new resource that can be used to turn the tide of battle. Players with cards holding the Fee skill can wreak havoc by placing a Bounty on an opponent’s unit to eliminate it and replenish the leader card’s Crowns. Another new addition, Crime, is a card category that will allow players to give their units an upper hand with the Intimidate keyword. Crimes “can trigger a secondary effect” and Intimidate is just one of those effects.
Another new keyword being thrown into the mix is Profit. This will award a specific amount of Crowns. While players may spend Crowns to lash out at opponents, another strategy would be to save up this currency to use them at a later time for a more devastating effect. One such time would be using them for the Tribute ability, which are cards that require more payment in order to use a more powerful version of an ability. Novigrad adds more than 90 cars, 15 being cross-faction, and 5 new leadership characters.
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game is brining Novigrad to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC tomorrow, June 28 as a free content update. Players who log in before July 17 will be getting a free Novigrad Keg, which awards 5 cards from the expansion. And even more of a bonus is the limited Arena Mode allowing players to draft from the Syndicate faction’s cards and the Novigrad-themed Underworld Pack.