Gigantic Unleashed Unveils a New Website; Aims to Foster Community Growth and Developer Relationships

Last December, Motiga – developers of the shooter-MOBA hybrid Giganticdiscussed their plans for Gigantic’s future in 2016. Among these plans were new closed betas for Windows 10 and Xbox One platforms, as well as several major changes to Gigantic’s gameplay mechanics and matchmaking services. Motiga has followed up on their beta promise so far with the launch of 24-hour closed beta for both of the aforementioned platforms. They’ve even surprised fans with a new character, Beckett, who blasts her foes apart with guns, jetpacks, and rockets.

Fans of Gigantic, though, have also undertaken efforts to pave a bright future for the new year. A fan project named Gigantic Unleashed unveiled their revamped site earlier this Monday, to the official approval of Motiga themselves.

Gigantic Unleashed is more than just a fan site with snazzy visuals. The site aims to nurture an informative, competitive community through the kinds of out-of-game services enjoyed by established MOBAs. Among these features are a hero builder, where players can plan the talents that they will acquire over the course of match; articles that discuss events like character reveals and developer/top player interviews; and discussion forums where players can gather to break down the finer points of Gigantic.

In addition, Gigantic Unleashed’s staff is proud to announce the return of their Gigantic Community Council chats. These live discussion groups, which run every month, provide players with a space to discuss their desires and grievances with Gigantic among one another. Motiga developers will also be making appearances on the forums to maintain close ties with their fans.

As Gigantic steps into 2016, both Motiga and the Gigantic community will face many challenges. How they will find a place in the competitive gaming world alongside competitors like Blizzard’s Overwatch, Gearbox’s Battleborn, and Hi-Rez Studios’ SMITE remains to be seen. But what is clear is that Gigantic and its community are determined to etch out their own distinct place in the MOBA-verse.

Gigantic is currently in closed beta for Windows 10 and Xbox One, but those interested in entering it can sign up here for chance to receive a key. Motiga is also hosting fanart contest, in which players can submit their work to win beta keys. Winners will be displayed on Gigantic’s Twitter feed.

Nile Koegel: MXDWN's resident retromancer. Aspiring flavor text writer. Sometimes, he'll even play a video game.
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