Genshin Impact has been a tremendous success, being one of the fastest-growing games on the market, scoring over a hundred million USD in revenue only after two weeks since its global launch instead of being locked in China. The game has had one issue with it and that’s how it distributes the resin material needed to perform certain functions in-game. A player can only carry a hundred and twenty resin at a single time while unlocking some chests that were dropped after boss battles could cost up to sixty resin at a time. Players could passively regain their resin by waiting eight minutes for a single unit which is an issue as most activities offered in the game can be completed under that time limit.
Genshin Impact will be rolling out update 1.1 which the main issue they are tackling is the resin system. Players can now carry a hundred and sixty units at a time while the weekly battle pass challenge drops to twelve hundred from sixteen hundred. This change has been criticized as not enough of a change with the forty extra being only enough to do another boss run and the long passive build-up is still in effect. “It resolves time issues for me as a player who doesn’t want to feel bullied by a game into daily long or double play sessions by being punished in the battle pass if I don’t,” Redditor Graficat wrote. But, they added, “It doesn’t help people that play often and want more resin to spend and I hope they get an improvement, too, but to me, this small change does make the game more appealing.”
Resin can be restored by using in-game items that are fairly rare drops during normal gameplay but they can be purchased with money and is the current source for monetization in the game that is otherwise free to play. Update 1.1 goes live on November 11th.