From the minds that brought us No Man’s Sky, Hello Games has revealed a new IP at tonight’s Game Awards dubbed Light No Fire.
Light No Fire is a pretty big step for Hello Games, who have been spending the past decade patching up and fixing No Man’s Sky and it looks like they’ve finally decided to move on to bigger and better things. Light No Fire looks to be a game in similar vein to the studio’s previous game, being a game revolving around adventure, exploration, and building. Notably, players are seen flying dragons through the sky and observing an absolutely massive landscape beneath them. And that’s correct, “players” it looks like Light No Fire will release with fully integrated multiplayer.
Hello Games’ previous endeavor, No Man’s Sky, has come a long way in the decade since its release but it should be remembered that it released in an extremely rough state. I must urge anyone excited for this game to exercise caution. While I have no doubt that Hello Games will make it their number 1 priority to release a game in a playable state with every promise fulfilled considering the disaster of their last release, it is better to be safe than sorry considering their track record. But as I said, Hello Games undoubtedly has their number 1 priority to be releasing this new game in a good release sate. Hopefully, Light No Fire has a smooth release for open world and exploration fans everywhere and Hello Games can continue their hotstreak of pleasing their fans moving forward.