We have previously covered hidden leaks and data found by YouTuber Ziostorm regarding From Software’s massively successful and massively large Dark Souls successor Elden Ring and it looks like even more news is coming our way. Previously, it was found that there was a hidden video on one of Elden Ring’s official channels, that many assumed were a trailer for the upcoming DLC expansion Shadow of the Erdtree, as well as a digital package being added to the game files. Now, it looks like there’s even more evidence pointing towards a February release for the hotly anticipated expansion.
Overnight, Elden Ring DLC was added to almost every depot in SteamDB. What does this mean? I’ll let you decide.
“They read fate in the stars, and are said to be heirs of the Old Hollows. But alas, the night sky no longer cradles fate.” pic.twitter.com/AJckNFMmGH— Ziostorm (@Ziostorm1) February 2, 2024
As Ziostorm said, two days ago Elden Ring was added to every depot in SteamDB. Essentially, this means that From Software has shipped off files to Steam in preparation for another download. This download, of course, everyone is expecting to be Shadow of the Erdtree. While nothing is concrete yet and this is all vague enough that it could just be a major patch or something of that nature, all signs point to something much more significant, and the fanbase is starting to get antsy for news, even bringing out “Oh Elden Ring” memes that haven’t been seen since before the game’s launch in 2022.
And speaking of that 2022 date, it’s important to note just when Elden Ring released: February 25th, 2022. Just a year later on February 28th, 2023 Shadow of the Erdtree got its official announcement trailer. Now, this could just be circumstantial, a huge coincidence, but taking these dates into account alongside all these signs that Fromsoft is preparing for something big, it’s not hard to assume that, Marika willing, Shadow of the Erdtree itself will grace the gaming world sometime in late February. Until then, the playerbase will be working themselves up into a frenzy in anticipation as the end of the month begins to draw near.