Friday The 13th Will No Longer Receive Any New Content

Due to an ongoing legal dispute between the creators of the original Friday the 13th film, the video game sharing the same title has gotten hold on any new content. The dispute is quite a convoluted one involving the films original writer and the 1976 Copyright Act. It is also noted that even when this issue of legal ownership of the work is resolved that this will mean the permanent end to any DLC for the game. Even if the content is original, the development team stated that they could not continue to work on the game.  The news came from an official forum post from co-creator Wes Keltner,

Development on games can’t just pause indefinitely and pick back up again; it doesn’t work that way. We can’t keep building content that may never see the light of day. We can’t [add non-Friday the 13th related content] either. We can’t add any content, whatsoever. Nada. I wanted to address a few questions that I’ve had sent to me personally, as well as questions we’ve received through the official F13 channels. These questions vary but all have a similar tone/request. ‘Is there a chance of any content being added to the game if a ruling on the dispute occurs in the near future. The answer is no.

Before the unfortunate news, the updates planned to be released included Uber Jason as well as brand new camp counselors. But with the game being under this type of legal pressure, Gun Media decided it was within their best interest to no longer provide nor support any new content for the title. However, even though new content is set to be off the table, the developers will continue to focus on maintenance, working on dedicated console servers, and patching up any bugs within the game.

Yammarii Long: My name is Yammarii, I am a 24 year old graduate from Union University. I majored in Digital Media Communications with a minor in Communication Studies. I have interests in writing, directing, editing, photography, graphic design, and all sorts of other things. I am a video game enthusiast with a passion for pop culture that loves to stay up to date with whats going on in today's world of gaming.
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