Since the beginning of April, Fortnite players have noticed a object resembling a meteor burning up in the game’s skybox that has caused much speculation among the player base. This Wednesday, the single object has been joined by more mysterious objects that burn up in the sky. Due to the efforts of data miners and keen-eyed players, the primary speculative consensus among the player base is that this event will coincide with the end of Battle Pass Season 3 (April 30th) and will involve the destruction of the map area known as Tilted Towers.
Some players, however, decided not to wait.
On Reddit, a user by the name of xsqoof organized a “wake celebration” of Tilted Towers. This celebration, which started on April 18th at 6:00 PM EST, involved large groups of players dressed in the default player skin flying over to the Tilted Towers, destroy every single item there, and then hold a massive dance party in honor of the city.
Despite lag issues from having too many players in one area, players who weren’t in on the mission, and the inevitable trolls, the mission was a huge success. Videos and GIFs of the city being taken down have sprung up and celebratory dances were performed amid a massive sea of player-built pyramids. This video, posted by the Youtuber ‘EverydaY_AussiE,’ shows how even with so many hands on demolition duty, the process still took a good few minutes:
Perhaps the best part of the video is the celebration. We get to see so many players in a competitive game who have joined into a sudden cooperative effort dance amidst the ruins of Tilted Towers. Even as the storm rolls in and the players start dying off, they refuse to stop dancing.