Fortnite Announces Series of August Concerts

Fortnite, the iconic battle royale game, is also well known for its outlandish events. Last year’s Travis Scott Fortnite concert series was a big hit, resulting in a record amount of concurrent in-game players at 12.3 million. The event may have been made necessary by the pandemic and quarantine, but both Scott and Fortnite saw success from it. So much success, in fact, that Fortnite has announced plans for another in-game concert series in August, called the Rift Tour.

From August 6- 8th, an as-yet-unannounced artist, rumored to be Ariana Grande, will receive the Fortnite makeover and appear in a series of concerts in-game. Court documents and leaks are what point to Grande’s inclusion, as well as the fact that August 6 (the first day of the event) is considered Ariana Grande Day on Twitter. It is unknown if these concerts will follow the same stylization as the Scott concerts, where he could be seen rendered towering over the Fortnite map, singing pre-recorded songs, and accompanied by virtual dancers and effects. This is also separate from the upcoming Lady Gaga concerts, which were announced previously and are slotted for December.

More information for these concerts will be made available on August 2nd. However, in-game, related challenges, tabs, and 5 “RSVP” times for events have been opened. Between July 29 and August 8, there will be cosmetics exclusive to the Rift Tour. The RSVP times in the event tab do not secure a place in the concert, and Epic Games recommends showing up to the concerts in Fortnite itself an hour earlier than they begin.

Catherine Garvin: My name is Catherine, or Cat, and I play far too much Overwatch. I'm an undergrad getting an English degree right now, but I hope to go to library school and become a librarian. In my free time I write poetry and live stream on Twitch.
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