Footage Leaked For GTA V – Gameplay Mechanics on Full Display (Spoiler-ish)


A little under a week is left before Grand Theft Auto V hits retailers. However, some lucky gamers have received the game early, one of which seems to have no qualms with posting videos of the experience online.

As far as spoilers go, there’s nothing too revealing as to how the story plays. This collection of videos generally shows the gameplay mechanics and covers the wide breadth of details and intricacies Rockstar has thrown into the game. Nevertheless, if you want to go into the game completely unspoiled, then I’d avoid watching the clips.

All of the YouTube clips of the gameplay footage have been removed as well as the users Instragram account footage. In fact, someone went so far as to hack his Instagram account to ward off spoilers across the Internet. However, his Vine account still stands so those looking to whet their appetite may feast upon a myriad of six-second clips courtesy of “Jsticks11.” You will have to view the videos on his profile as we cannot embed them here.

Even when recorded on a phone via a tv-screen; the game looks great. The visuals are incredible despite the low quality video footage. Jsticks11 shows us images of swimming, fighting, and smaller details such as a car wash. The user goes on to show us car damage, driving examples, gunfights, and the city. As I said, it’s nothing too revealing, but it’s a great early glimpse into how the game will look, feel, and be played.  He shows the game from the perspective of all three characters so we are given a pretty clear idea as to how each character will be controlled and how the physics change from character to character.

If you’re interested, you’ll want to hop on this as soon as possible as there is no telling how much longer these clips will be online. Just recently his Xbox 360 has been banned indefinitely from the Xbox Live server for violating terms of use, so it seems that Rockstar is, not surprisingly, taking this matter seriously. After millions of dollars and years of development, who could blame them?

He’s still uploading videos sporadically, so expect more to come…

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