First Trailer Released for Titanfall “Expedition” DLC

First-person shooter Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment released the first gameplay trailer for the new DLC called Expedition, this is the first of three map packs, which will be $9.99 for each pack. The DLC will introduce the new maps to the Frontier including Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames. You can also buy the Titanfall Season Pass in order to save money on all 3 content packs, which would be a one-time price of $24.99, the pass is available for Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC, plus will deliver all the content packs when they are available. Titanfall: Expedition DLC will release later this month on Windows PC and Xbox One, while Xbox 360 will be receiving it in June.

Xbox 360 owners first had to wait for the release of Titanfall, and now they will have to wait a little longer for the release of Titanfall: Expedition DLC and free updates. Bluepoint, the developers for the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall, announced on the official site for the game that they will be doing all future updates, plus also explains why there is a delay of the DLC for Xbox 360 owners.

“This timing difference is due to the same reasons that more time was needed to finish Titanfall for the Xbox 360,” publisher Electronic Arts explains. “Respawn must first finish their additions and improvements for the Xbox One and PC, and afterwards Bluepoint can then grab the latest and update the Xbox 360 version.”

With the release of the gameplay trailer for the Expedition DLC, it lets us know that during the Battle of Demeter, the IMC forces have travelled deep into the Frontier where they will need to recover from their defeat. They have come to a place they would call their new base, where it supports both collecting water and filtration plants to support the forces new base in the uncharted lands of the Frontier. During the process of creating a drainage system to support the base, the troops find an ancient ruin that is at the nearby the swamp, Swampland, and this is where IMC Pilots will be able to use the swamps forest to take an advantage as they move through the map as if you were a monkey. As for the map for Runoff, it will allow the snipers to use a multi-level industrial facility to their advantage. Last but not least, War Games, shows us an environment that allows you to run on walls that are see through.

Also was reported that there will be additional updates planned for Titanfall, which include multiplayer modes and new burn cards. Respawn is researching into taking away the HUD for capturing video. Plus allowing you to pair up with others using social media hashtags, customizable titans, and competitive rankings and daily challenges.

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