The latest Final Fantasy XV trailer finally highlights a series staple that veterans of the series will be happy to see. Final Fantasy’s unofficial mascot, the Chocobo, gets a chance to show off its new moves.
The trailer starts off with Noctis and company on their road trip as depicted in many other trailers for the game. It takes a turn for the better when the party exits and vehicle on the side of the road where a flock of the iconic series mount reside (all equipped with saddles no less). Once the party gains control of the creatures the all too familiar theme music starts up.
Apart from being able to ride the creatures like usual the trailer shows off a few nifty new tricks. Most notable is the ability to drift the Chocobo. Sounds far fetched but the skill is shown during a sequence in the trailer where the Chocobo’s drift and leap over attacking crocodiles. A speed dash ability is also shown.
A fishing mini-game is also shown towards the end. Fishing appears to be controlled by moving the joystick in the specified direction. Caught fish are able to be brought back to the party’s camp to be cooked.
And did I mention the cooked fish looks delicious?
According to Square Enix the Chocobo riding will feel much different from past games in the series. With the new abilities and skills shown off in this trailer that statement appears to be true.
A black Chocobo was shown in an earlier trailer for the game. Black Chocobos were able to be bred in Final Fantasy VII and were able to traverse more kinds of terrain. Whether a breeding system will exist in the latest installment is yet to be seen.