Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition E3 Trailer Reveals it will Release this Winter

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles  announcement for its remastered edition back in September 2018  caught many by surprise. Given that the game was initially released in 2004 on the Gamecube, many did not anticipate being able to play this game again on current gen consoles. After the announcement, It was quiet for some time but Square Enix has finally broken their silence. A new trailer from E3 has revealed Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition will be released sometime this winter on Switch, PS4 and now, iOS and Android devices.

The trailer shows off some of the classic dungeons, scenes from the story and the new voice overs for the dialogue within the game. Some scenes look sharper than others which may have something to do with the announcement of the iOS and Android release. Regardless, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles will bring a fun unique co-op experience to old and new players alike.

In Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles you live in a world plagued by miasma. Young adventurers from villages are sent out every year to collect a sacred water stored in a magical tree protected by dangerous creatures (aka bosses). Once you have secure enough of this sacred water, you will journey back to rejuvenate your town’s protective crystal. You will travel to different towns and dungeons via your wagon on an overhead map. Combat is real time and will require coordination with your team to pass through dungeons unscathed. Magic can be combined with team members to quickly heal the entire party or decimate a field of overwhelming foes. It’s a unique take from the traditional turn based mechanics but it is fun and fluid experience.

When FFCC came out on the Gamecube back in 2004 it got a fair amount of criticism for one thing a particular. The only way you could play multiplayer was if each player had a Gameboy Advance and a link cord to connect to your system. This wasn’t cheap and many people were not fortunate to have friends and family with all the equipment that allowed them to take advantage of the multiplayer experience. Those who have played both solo and multiplayer would tell you that they are both completely different experiences and playing with friends is a must. Now that this game is playable online, playing with friends will be much easier this time around. One piece of information many are still wondering is if the game will also have a local co-op option.

Still no word yet on an official price tag for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered. Fortunately, it is now out in the open that we can expect to see this worldwide this winter 2019 for Switch, PS4, iOS and Android.

Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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