With the recent release of Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers, the popular MMO has been flourishing and seems to get better and better with each added expansion. That being said, many changes were introduced to the game and developers have been keeping a close watch on how jobs are performing. The healing role, in particular, had changes that would keep them focused on the role of healing and less on DPS’ing. There have been some mixed feelings on the changes and certain jobs like the Astrologian, don’t feel as viable as it once was in dungeons and raids. Final Fantasy 14 has implemented a new patch that will address to fix this and also bring about new content including the Savage Eden Raids.
Shadowbringers brought some pretty heavy changes to the healer role. The idea was initially to have healers stay true to their class and become less of a damage dealer. Party activities seem much more dangerous now than prior if a healer is stuck on habit of just relying on healing over time spells so they can put out more damage. After the changes, the White Mage seemed to become the healer of choice leaving the Astro and the Scholar a little behind. Consequently, the new patch will be addressing that and the Astro will be getting increased potency on many of its healing spells as well as cast time reduction. This may give the Astro more time to focus on buffing the party and dealing out a little damage here and there.
For those who love to raid, the Savage version of the Eden Raids is now accessible. If you are level 80 and have completed the appropriate quest you can access these much more challenging raids and receive loot that can range from items leveled at 470. The patch also introduces a couple of new dungeons called the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah for players who like to keep their party on the small side.
Final Fantasy 14 is still going strong and continues to keep their game fresh with updates. For more information on the patch notes take a look at the official page here.