Final Fantasy 14 Showcase Coming in February 2021

Square Enix has been preparing more content for its MMO Final Fantasy 14 for a while now and has finally come around to give a date for when to expect an official reveal. That date has been given which will be February 5, at 17:30 PST / 20:30 EST, and will be shown off via a live stream. The live stream will even include a Japanese to English translation, although it is unclear if that will just be an English translator talking over the hosts who are speaking Japanese, much like how the Tokyo Game Show handled their translations, or if it will include English subtitles, which may be more difficult to pull off but will be easier for audiences to understand especially for those who may know both languages. The length of the show is also unclear, which may be an all-night event to only a couple of hours, but typically these reveal events often host several hours to two hour-long panels that go in-depth in exploring the upcoming content that is being shown off with the hosts often talking with developers and artists.

While the previous three DLCs, HeavenswardStormblood, and Shadowbringers, were all revealed in November and October. This year it was speculated that the new DLC would be revealed during the North American Fan Festival that was due to take place this November, that was until COVID-19 interrupted the gatherings of large crowds and international travel, both being important as Final Fantasy has a substantial base in both North America and in Japan.

While the content of the new DLC has not yet been revealed, Square Enix has claimed that it will be cool and worth the wait. Until that time, patch 5.4 is rolling out in two weeks which will be adding new main scenario quests, a new raid dungeon along a plethora of minor additions.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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