Escape From An Apocalyptic World In The Stealth Rogue-like Basingstoke

Basingstoke is a recently released rogue-like about escaping an apocalyptic city. Utilizing stealth mechanics, players must delve into smouldering ruins and tip-toe around reanimated monsters in the hopes of making it out in one piece.

Creativity will give you a leg up in gameplay considering the fact that there are over a hundred usable items to craft and loot. A kebab can be poisoned to set as bait, and a sausage role can be doubled as a sturdy club made for lobbing enemies. Every item you encounter will contain multiple uses so long as you’re willing to experiment. Chainsaws will be available throughout, and silent tranquilizer darts can also be utilized if you manage to construct a homemade blowpipe.

Akin to most good stealth games, Basingstoke isn’t very forgiving regarding offers for second chances. The stealth approach is highly encouraged through gameplay given the fact that various enemies can rip you apart from one foul bite alone. Given this, violence will usually be your final resort, but ambushes and sneaking will always be viable options for getting around hoards of foes.

There will be a myriad of characters to choose from as they slowly become unlockable while playing through the game. You’ll begin as Themla, an officer, and jack-of-all-trades. Once you get a good feel for her play-style, you can start experimenting with the other characters that contain highly specific skills. The Tourist is a master of splurging at the shops and capturing pivotal moments with a selfie stick, while the Thief is a skilled locksmith who can easily break into security panels.

Utilize your surroundings as Basingstoke is based on a real city in England of the same name, and it is even constructed much like a contemporary town. There are wheelie bins to hide in, shops to vandalize, and parking ticket machines waiting to be robbed. Think on your feet, and the city is made yours.

Basingstoke is available now on Steam, Humble Store, GOG, and If this seems interesting, be sure to check out the trailer below.

Tiffany Cullen: Full-time Bloodborne PvP champion, slinger of spells, poet, author, UCLA graduate, and achievement hunting specialist.
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