EA has added more games to their list that’ll have their servers shut down by the end of this year. Crysis 3, Dante’s Infero, Dead Space 2, Mirrors Edge Catalyst, will no have their online services offline before 2024. The move comes as EA indicates that less than 1% of players still actively use the online features present in the titles, costing the corporate gaming giant money on titles no longer bringing in any revenue.
Crysis 3 will see online services go out on September 7th 2023.
Dante’s Inferno, Dead Space 2, and Mirrors Edge Catalyst will lose their online functionalities December 8th. Early Battlefield titles, such as Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company, and Battlefield Bad Company 2 will also go offline December 8th.
Other titles previously announced that saw online being axed included the Medal of Honor games which were shutdown in February this year. EA also previously indicated FIFA 18, FIFA 19, FIFA 20, FIFA 21, will all be shutdown on November 6th 2023.
For now players have a few months left before the titles won’t support multiplayer and online functionality. The games themselves will still work, any single player campaigns for example will work as intended. For example in a game like Mirrors Edge Catalyst, most, if not all of the game is single player focused. The only substantive online content is leaderboards for qualifying in player made races. There also comes the question to online trophies in a game like Mirrors Edge Catalyst, in order to obtain every trophy, at least 2 require the use of online participation. It’s unclear what a game like Mirrors Edge Catalyst or any of the others being removed from the servers, will do in regards to trophies and achievements ascertained by old and any new players.
It’s unclear too if any other games from EA’s lineup will join the chopping block of online play. As well, this could well go into next year, as time goes on, older games lose player count unfortunately. It’s typically a few dedicated, diehard fans, or those who enjoyed games from a simpler time, who stick to those old games.