E3 Reveals Blair Witch has Become a Game and it’s Looking Scary

If you are a fan of horror and haven’t heard of anything spooky announced at E3 yet, Blair Witch will probably be right up your alley. The game follows the lore of the 1999 original The Blair Witch Project and its sequel that was released in 2016. Microsoft revealed the game with a very eerie trailer that gives a solid glimpse of the terror players will undergo traversing through the infamous Black Hills Forest.

Blair Witch follows the story of a man Ellis, a former cop and his loyal dog Bullet in search for answers on the disappearance of a young boy in the Black Hills Forest. In the trailer you will notice Ellis uses a camcorder to document his findings. Although, the camera begins to play clips from what look like past events. This could hint towards the camera being used as an important part of the story possibly delivering clues for your journey and insight on what is behind the mystery. The games official statement teases,

What starts as an ordinary investigation soon turns into an endless nightmare as you confront your fears and the Blair Witch, a mysterious force that haunts the woods.

The game play looks very reminiscent to that of the Outlast series or Slender: The Arrival. You will find yourself running around in a dark dangerous environment being pursued by foes with nothing but a camera to defend yourself. This type of gameplay is not for everyone but it tends to raise the thrill level for those who enjoy feeling helpless, scared and alone. Fortunately, You will have your trusty German Shepard to keep you company but judging by all the spooky entities in the trailer, that might not last long.

Unlike most E3 reveals this year, Blair Witch will be released in August 2019 for PC and Xbox One so you won’t have to wait long to get your pants scared off.


Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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