Dragon Quest Builders Coming to North America

Dragon Quest turned 30. This Thursday the series had its 30th anniversary and to celebrate this Square Enix is releasing Dragon Quest Builders worldwide. The game, before now, was only available in Japan. They announced the new world wide release via a trailer that came out Friday, showcasing the world, its various inhabitants and the new protagonist that the player would control. The game was released in Japan on January 28th where it was released on PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. The announced Western release date is October 2016 for PS4 and PS Vita, Akira Toriyama and Square Enix fans of the western world rejoice.

Dragon Quest Builders takes place in the world of the first Dragon Quest, Alefgard. The game is a sandbox RPG, being comprised of elements similar to games like Minecraft and Terraria combined with elements of a JRPG. The game features a voxel style, revolving around the player gathering various materials found throughout the world and using these materials to build various things. This is a different direction than the traditionally JRPG style of the series. Despite the new gameplay style, Dragon Quest Builders maintains a lot of the tropes people have gotten used to seeing and expect in a Dragon Quest game, i.e. slime, slime galore. The game takes place in the Alefgard that would exist if the player had gone down the path that led to the negative ending of the original Dragon Quest; where the hero sides with the Dragonlord, instead of destroying him, in exchange for control of half the world. What happens afterwards in this world is that the Dragonlord goes back on the promise to share the land with the original hero, instead betraying and destroying them, leaving Alefgard in ruin and over run by monsters. The protagonist in this game comes around sometime later and must rebuild the world from scratch.

The game was received with positive praise when it was released in Japan earlier this year, receiving 36/40 from Japanese game review giant, Famitsu.

Carlos Barragan: likes video games. He likes them so much, in fact, that he writes about them. He likes other stuff too.
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