Devil May Cry 5 Unveils New Trailer; Demo Releasing Today

Devil May Cry 5 Key Art

According to Capcom at The Game Awards 2018, a demo for Devil May Cry 5 is releasing today exclusively for the Xbox One. Meanwhile, a new trailer has surfaced, showing off a bunch of gameplay and giving a hard release date (March 8 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4,) all the while hinting at the return of the Bloody Palace in a free update a month after the game’s release.

Devil May Cry 5 takes place years after the events of Devil May Cry 4. Nero is once again the leading man , and he’s now running his own demon-hunting company. Dante, the face of the series, is also making an appearance. Joining the two demon hunters is V, a new character who can summon different demons to aid him in battle. His demons include Shadow, a panther-like creature skilled at close-range combat, Griffon, a bird-like demon that can shoot lightning bolts, and Nightmare, a towering demon that can shoot beams of light.

The trailer releases just hours before Xbox One users will be able to play a demo exclusive to that console. The demo will have players take control of Nero as he fights through Red Grave City with the help of his sword Red Queen, his handgun Blue Rose, and his special Devil Breaker abilities.

The trailer’s end reveals that the fan-favorite Bloody Palace mode will be making a return. This mode has players fighting against hordes of fast-approaching enemies and bosses. The mode won’t be in the game on release, but will be released about a month later in April.

Finally, there will be a special passive multiplayer mode called Cameo mode. As players play the game online, they’ll sometimes see other players fighting demons in their own instance of the game. Sometimes, they’ll join with the player and help them out in their game.

Devil May Cry 5 will be releasing March 8 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Brian Renadette: I am a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a major in writing and a minor in gaming. I have a passion for video games and writing. I also enjoy volunteering at my local SPCA by walking the dogs.
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