As said in their newest blog post, Bungie has revealed that the new updates concerning Destiny 2 (in the “Beyond the Lights” expansion) will allow players to create any character they want with whichever looks they like. The studio also revealed that they will be working on implementing new face shapes in the future and that the process (along with the character feature customization options) will be reviewed by Bungie’s Diversity Committee and Employee Resource Group.
In the blog post, Bungie also clarified that they were unable to implement new systems of customization due to each player setting had to be coded as completely custom. As the company says in the post,
We know that how your Guardians look is important to you, and we’ve long waited to add player cusomization to Destiny. Our original system for player faces had some combinatoric content authoring problems– for example, every decal had to be authored completely custom for each player face permutation. This prevented us from extending this area of the game with more content and features. We’ve upgraded this to a significantly more capable system (with e.g runtime decal projection, which we hope ot leverage for more player customization options in the future.
Bungie also released that they will be “making small tweaks” to player heads in Destiny and they will be working on a list of Guardian face shapes in the hope to increase Guardian diversity in the future. They then clarify that the hopeful long term goal of this is to finally allow every player to “imagine themselves as their Guardian”.
Destiny 2’s “Beyond the Light” expansion is set to arrive on November 10. To get this expansion pack, however, players must re-download the game to get the full file reduction (of somewhere around 40 percent). As of now the price for the “Beyond the Light” expansion is not known, but it is said that players will get “Beyond the Light” for free with the Xbox Game Pass like the previous expansions (“Forsaken and Shadowkeep).