With Destiny 2’s beta finally coming to a close and the release date steadily approaching, it’s time for the most important part of any AAA shooter’s release preparation: promotional junk food deals. Yes, ever since Halo 4 tried desperately to convince gamers to wolf down as many Dorito bags and chug as many Mountain Dew bottles as they could get their hands on, promoting junk food and caffeinated drinks as “gamer fuel” has become an integral part of any AAA shooter’s development cycle.
According to an article from Forbes, Bungie and Activision have signed deals with Pop-Tarts and Rockstar Energy Drink to promote the upcoming release of Destiny 2. These Destiny 2 themed cans and boxes will come with codes for XP bonuses and in-game (probably cosmetic-only) gear. Dedicated Destiny and promotional beverage fans will notice that Bungie has apparently switched energy drink allegiances, having previously made a deal with Red Bull to promote The Taken King expansion. This sudden shift in allegiances will surely shake the world of energy drink politics.
Activision had this to say on their Rockstar promotional deal:
The partnership offers consumers in-game gear with the purchase of a Destiny 2 Rockstar can and the chance to also win daily, weekly and grand prizes including Destiny 2-themed motorcycles.
These junk food promotional deals have been turned into a joke among the gaming community in recent years. Many gamers remember the shamelessly product heavy interview with gaming journalist Geoff “Dorito Pope” Keighley, who actually surrounded himself with bags of Doritos and Mountain Dew bottles. Energy drink promotions were recently mocked by Dying Light developer Techland, who jokingly asked players to drink water in order to unlock new content.
Destiny 2 will launch September 6th for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Destiny 2-themed Pop-Tarts and Rockstar Energy drinks will go on sale September 1st.