Defy Your Operating System And Explore Your Dying Computer In Visual Out

Wondering what exactly is going on inside our computers is a well traveled path in pop culture and science fiction, dating all the way back to classics like Tron. The newest entry into this canon comes in the form of an indie platformer titled Visual Out.

In Visual Out you are a computer program who has decided to go against the wishes of your operating system and find out what has happened to your computer. You explore the dying insides of the computer while fighting enemies and gaining new abilities that you will use to take down a series of bosses.

These abilities are largely focused on the ability to manipulate and move power within the desolate digital and mechanical environments. These environments are a strange mix of glitches and technical pieces, mixed in with more organic feeling creatures. Some of the enemies look like floating jellyfish, and the bosses look something like germs.

All of this traversing through the computer will allow you to “uncover the secrets behind the computer’s – and its creator’s – demise.” Take a look at the launch trailer below to get a feel for the look of the game:

There is an eerie and lonely quality to the graphical design that lends itself well to the narrative. The techno-synch soundtrack also adds to the tension, but not as much as the creepy interruptions from the operating systems as it chastises you for attempting to go against your programming. “You have no choice but to execute your program, don’t you?,” it says at one point.

It is a unique platformer with a lot of interesting elements at play and with a price tag of just $10, it is hard to go wrong. Visual Out is available now on Steam and

Sarah Johnson: Sarah Johnson is a writer and recent graduate of New York University. In an attempt to pursue all of her passions at once she majored in film production and minored in both game design and cinema studies. In her spare time you will find her playing the games she writes about, binge watching Netflix, or working on her next cosplay.
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