Dead By Daylight Adds Endgame Collapse and Spring Cosmetics, Fixes Legion and Multiple Killer Bug

It’s been nearly half a year since Chapter X: Darkness Among Us joined the lineup of killers and survivors in Dead by Daylight. Chapter X had introduced the new killer, Legion, to the game. And since the addition of Legion, they are the most controversial killer as of so far in the game. Generally, a lot of a negativity. And then there came an exploit with stacking certain perks that Legion has with each other, that caused a lot of issues for players.

Namely, the Mend. In DBD, if players get hit by the Legion they begin to bleed out and if they don’t start mending themselves during the countdown, they will go into the downed state. Mend usually takes at most 30 seconds. But a recent exploit allowed Legion players to make it so that each mend will get longer, and longer, to the point where players have to stand still for over 5 whole minutes to get out of the bleeding out state. It became a problem.

This combo of perks for Legion, the Filthy Blade and Nasty Blade combo, is currently being used as a permanent bannable offense as the devs work through how to go about fixing Legion in the upcoming mid-chapter update, which is giving the recent killer a bit of an overhaul.

As for the other bannable offense, is a glitch that not many people expected to happen. A Swedish Youtuber by the name of CowsIAM happened upon a glitch (and made a video of said glitch) where more than one killer could spawn in the game. CowsIAM and their friends went on to see how many killers could spawn, and getting all the way up to 4 killers versus 1 survivor. Whether these matches were in an online matchmaking game, or a private online game, the glitch is still there and can create a massive issue in the ranked games. The DBD team has yet to come forward about what will be done to fix the bug, but as of currently it is a permanent ban to those who use the exploit.

On a bit of a lighter note, spring has sprung in Dead by Daylight. While previous seasonal events, such as the Hallowed Blight event, or Lunar New Year event, the cosmetics had a tie in with a few redesigned maps as well. This time, it just appears to be a couple of cosmetics for the killer HillBilly, and the survivor Ace:

These cosmetics will only be available for a limited time.

And the most recent addition to Dead by Daylight is an entire new game mechanic. The Endgame Collapse:

The Endgame Collapse is a new mechanic that the developers put in as a way to “improve overall trial experience”. This Endgame Collapse will start in a few different ways. The first way is if one of the survivors or the killer opens the escape door. The killer can also close the escape hatch to start it as well. Once started, a three minute timer will begin showing how much longer the survivors have until the Entity takes them.

The timer slows down if a player is hooked, or in the downed state. But if all remaining survivors are on their feet, the timer runs at a regular speed. Each quarter the timer goes down, there will be a reminder bell toll for player stated the end is nigh. Once the time runs out, if there are any Survivors left on the map, the Entity claims them.

The Legion Changes and the Endgame Collapse will be added into the PTB within the next week before being added to the game in the mid-chapter update.

Lara Makrianis: A Creative Writing/English major at SNHU nearing graduation, who has their sights on being part of a writing credit for sci-fi horror game series. Spends their time working on cosplay's, art, video editting, and attempting to write something spooky. Thinks Halloween is year-round (it is).
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