Cyberpunk 2077 will Feature 75 Unique Street Story Quests

Last year CD Projekt stated that Cyperpunk 2077 will not feature randomly generated radiant quests, something common in other open world RPGs which as Skyrim, Fallout 4 or Diablo, instead every quest will be handcrafted. “For us, quality is always more important than quantity, and we just couldn’t deliver this quality with modules we assemble in different ways to create these random quests. We don’t just want to keep people busy, but actually give them something to do that’s worth their while.” Said quest design coordinator Philipp Weber.

CD Projekt’s Krakow studio head John Mamais said during an interview with OnMSFT “There’s a couple of layers. There’s a passive layer, which is the vendors, then there’s the STSs, which are the street stories. I think there’s around 75 street stories. Then there’s minor activities as well, the street stories are like little quests. There’s story but there’s not, like, advanced cinematic storytelling sequences so much. They’re a way to explore the world and level-up your character.”

They’re all custom done. There’s nothing like that that’s automatically generated. They’re all custom done.

Street Stories are available at the beginning for players and offer minor boosts to starting characters. With minor experience gains, Street Stories may offer cybernetic upgrades. Its likely that Street Stories will boost player reputation with some factions as well.”There are set templates that the guys can use but each one is customized to make them feel unique. The world’s going to be filled with that stuff. It should feel really good.” John Mamais continued. Street Stories are intended to encourage the player to explore the world of Cyberpunk 2077, and they can be picked up by “fixers,” or the NPCs that offer cybernetic augmentations to the player. Its unknown if Street Stories will impact the story, but they will only be a minor aspect of the game’s experience.

John Mamais answered a few other questions, such as Cyberpunk 2077 will offer a third person perspective but only while driving vehicles. Though the game will offer a range of options to minimize motion sickness while in first person. As well, the character creator will be more limited than initially planned due to restrictions in the skeletal rigging for the characters. As well he talked about their plan was to initially release Cyberpunk 2077 in 2019 but later went to 2020 due to the source material being named Cyberpunk 2020.


Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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