Control’s DLC Road Map has been Revealed

Rewind back a few weeks, Remedy Entertainment and 505 Games new title Control was released giving fans of previous titles from Alan Wake to Quantum break new paranormal filled story to dive into. Control was received fairly well from multiple review sources, but not to say it didn’t have some problems, mainly geared towards performance and optimization issues on consoles. Regardless, devs have already provided fixes to support their community and now have a new DLC road map already lined up so fans can look forward to more content in the world of Control.

The image provides details of what we can expect within the next coming year. First off, a photo mode will be implemented to the game in the Fall allowing players to stop the fast-paced action at any given moment granting the capability to capture some breathtaking shots of Jesse in action. In December a new game mode will be released called Expeditions. In Expeditions, players will engage in “challenging new end-game content in which Jesse must help Security Chief Arish explore the mysterious Formation and its strange surroundings. Here you will face some of the greatest challenges the Oldest House has to throw at you.” This will likely turn things up a notch for players who may seek even more of a challenge after completing the main campaign.

Control will also release purchasable DLC content in the next year. Early 2020 we can expect to see the expansion The Foundation where it seems Jesse will have to explore darker layers of the Bureau. “At the request of the ever-mysterious Board, Jesse must explore what lies beneath the Bureau as she returns order to the Foundation and the Oldest House itself,” 505 Games says.  The second expansion has a lot of speculation going, as the top half of the picture rips straight from the cover title of Alan Wake. The plot explanation states, “a new area of the Oldest House, the Investigations Sector, where the Bureau closely examines Altered World Events” leaving not much detail except the intriguing image. Many have been speculating the two game worlds are intertwined in some way and AWE may clear that up for fans.

It is exciting to see developers feel so strongly about a title they have just released and already laying out a future to continue telling its story. Fans can play Control now on PC and Xbox One and PlayStation 4 if you are interested in the story and looking forward to the next expansions.

Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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