It looks like the calm after the storm is beginning to settle in. Rainbow Six Siege had a lot of issues with certain operators including IQ and Clash along with gadgets like the claymore and deployable shield but Ubisoft is another step closer with a new rework to deployable shields that have fixed many issues. Test servers are live with the changes and players are hard at work to make sure these exploits being abused are gone once and for all.
Deployable shields were banned to use as of early May because for an exploit that allowed players to place deployable shields over their upper body, essentially protecting their head, giving them an extreme advantage during play. In order to omit this issue, Ubisoft is testing a concrete fix for deployable shield exploits on the test servers so it would be fitting for the new design to enter the main game when the fix goes live, that is, if the fix works as expected.
The new design is called The Deployable Shield V2 and it has a couple attributes that are different versus the V1 shield. One of the most obvious changes is the shield now has small rectangular slits that have bulletproof windows. Unlike Mira’s windows, the glass is transparent both ways, which will give defenders and attackers alike an idea of what is going on behind the shield. This can be deadly as a defender can pinpoint an attackers location while hiding behind the shield and pop up when the time is right. Attackers will be able to see if someone is behind the shield as well but it is likely to take more work to notice a defenders presence in certain situations. Before and after pictures are displayed below.
The second change with the deployable shield is how it is placed in doorways. This is used in many ways to create obstacles for attackers when they attempt to rush the objective. With V1, players had to fidget around in attempt to get the shield fitted in the doorway perfectly. In some other cases, players would purposely leave small gaps in between the door frame and the shield which created some punishing pixel peak scenarios. This will no longer be an issue, as the shield now will adjust properly to a door frame when released and lock it into place filling the whole area.
These changes may not only fix the issues with the deployable shield exploits, but also make them a more popular pick in Rainbow Six Siege as well. As of right now they are still getting checked out on the test servers along with other bugs. Patch notes can be found here. No word yet on when these changes may come to console players.