As stated with their application phrase, “We’re hiring someone to take an island vacation, no plane or packing required,” an internet company under the name of Highspeedinternet.com is offering $1000 USD to one player who logs in fifty hours of Animal Crossing: New Horizon. To be eligible for this money, players must have continuous access to a Nintendo Switch, their own copy of the game, be the age of eighteen or over, and be a U.S citizen. Along with those requirements, the participant must allow HighSpeedInternet to run periodic tests on their internet connection. The winner of this opportunity will be chosen on August 6th, and when chosen they must complete a minimum of fifty hours on Animal Crossing to receive the full amount offered.
Since the initial release of the application, the company reported that it has received more than 12,000 applications, making it about 5,000 (growing) more applications than their similar offer the last year to play Fortnite for fifty hours (with the same reward amount). As many are facing financial complications due to the strain of social distancing and lockdown measures due to the pandemic, the HighSpeedInternet staff reporter Victoria Merinda said that their goal was, ‘to help and do something fun during a really bad time”. She then goes on about her belief that Animal Crossing helped many people as they got through their quarantine days with it being a “wholesome, fun, and light game”.
Since it’s release, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has sold more than thirteen million copies since its release. Because of its slow movement and relaxing atmosphere, many have claimed the game as their go-to method to pass time as they self isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic. Merinda notes in the application that she will be looking through each application by hand after screening for the basic requirements. From there it alludes to one winner will be picked at random for this opportunity and the chance to win money for their playing time.