Co-Founder Marcin Iwinski Releases Video Apology and Roadmap to Future Cyberpunk 2077 Updates

CD Projekt’s co-founder, Marcin Iwinski, has released a video apology, explanation, and roadmap to the future of Cyberpunk 2077 today. CD Projekt has been making headlines almost every week since the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 due to its major bugs, glitches, and inability to perform well on last-generation consoles. In the video, Marcin Iwinski urges players not to blame the development team, but the leadership team as they made the final decision to release the game. Iwinski explains that their plan was to design for the game PC then move to consoles which he admits that the studio “underestimated the task” for the last-gen consoles.

Iwinski explains that their plan was to design for the game PC then move to consoles which he admits that the studio “underestimated the task” for the last-gen consoles. The main development issue for moving to the last-gen design was the “in-gaming streaming system” which responsible for “feeding the engine with what you see on screen.” Iwinski continued to explain that the team was working on the console version of the game up to the very last moment before launch and that they did not send out their console review keys until December 8, two days before launch.

The future roadmap of Cyberpunk 2077 was also outlined in Iwinski’s video. Players will still be getting free DLC; however, this will be delayed until the second half of the year with no official date yet. Three Hotfixes have already been sent out with another update coming in the next ten days. Iwinski told players that CD Projekt Red will be releasing major and minor fixes throughout the year, but that the free next-gen console update will be later in 2021 after the free DLC. No specific dates for the upcoming major updates were announced, besides the next update coming within the next ten days.

Cyberpunk also posted a written Q&A, along with the video, on their website responding to frequently asked questions by the community. Marcin Iwinski also promises in the video CD Projekt’s commitment to quality games and transparency with their goals.

Jewel Caruso: Game News Writer | I believe we are all just Sims in someone's gameplay. | Hi there, I'm currently pursing a graduate degree and my cat refuses to do my homework. So, there's a good chance I'm binging YouTube videos about Among Us.
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