Capcom Hosts Art Contest for Street Fighter 6’s Community

It’s always a great sight when a game’s development team reaches out to its community to commission artwork from its fans. Whenever this happens it’s a treat because the fans usually go out of their way to make absolute bangers in order to impress, see CD Projekt Red’s GrowlFM in their smash hit Cyberpunk 2077, a radio station which features all fan made songs and a station that many consider to be far and away the best in the game. Now, Capcom has decided to take a bit from the community effort as well and is hosting an art contest for its flagship fighting game, Street Fighter 6, to celebrate the game’s 1 year anniversary.

This wouldn’t be the first time Capcom has let the fans decide on something to add to a Street Fighter game. In the previous iteration of the franchise, Street Fighter 5, Capcom held a public poll full of wonderful fan made creations to see which one would be allowed in as an actual costume, and a costume was made for massive fan favorite character Juri.

Here though, it looks like there will be portraits for the NEW CHALLENGER screens that pop up whenever you run into a new player online, up to 20 of them, so there won’t be another Street Fighter 5 situation where a character you don’t play gets everything. Though, notably there are 22 characters in the game counting the DLC characters (Rashid, AKI, Ed, and Akuma) so it’ll be interesting to see which 2 characters are going to get left out, or if some characters will get multiple artworks while others don’t get any.

Regardless, it’s good to see developers reaching out to the community more. And there’s hope that such outreach continues to make the game even better heading into the future.

Derek Lairmore: I've been playing video games and writing my entire life, so naturally I decided to combine the two passions. I love video games and video game culture, as far back as I can remember I've not only played them, I've actively participated in their communities. I hope my history in this hobby and my enthusiasm for writing helps me convey news to you accurately and succinctly.
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