Accolade’s Bubsy series never quite achieved the fame of other early 1990s platformers, but it does stand a head above most other cash-ins from the radical mascot craze that swept the 90s. Perhaps it’s Bubsy’s sincere attempt to ride on the success of games like Sonic the Hedgehog that forms the basis of its cult popularity. Perhaps it’s Bubsy’s last release in 1996 – Bubsy 3D – that lends it notoriety; a game so reviled for its confusing controls and disorienting camera angles that it consistently lands on many gamers’ Worst Game lists. Or perhaps it’s Bubsy 3D’s bold attempt at 3D platforming that makes the series so endearing to avid gamers, as it was one of the first games to move the platforming genre into three dimensions.
Whatever the case, Bubsy seemed to have fallen off the face of the planet after Bubsy 3D’s disastrous downfall. But back in November, an independent publisher named Retroism announced that they would be resurrecting the Bubsy name in the form of Bubsy Two-Fur, which is a compilation of the first two Bubsy games: Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind and Bubsy II. The game then hit Steam Greenlight, and was soon rated up by fans for a full release.
Now you can purchase Bubsy Two-Fur for a mere $3.99 US on Steam. The 20% discount will last until December 24, at which point Two-Fur will return to its usual $4.99. In addition to the first two Bubsy games, Two-Fur allows players to create checkpoints at any time during play, as it is an emulated release.
Retroism was founded in 2014 through a joint collaboration between Tommo and Night Dive Studios, who has recently brought back classic PC titles like Turok, Wizardry, and a soon-to-be remake of the original System Shock. If you would like to check for re-releases of your favorite classic titles, Retroism’s site can be found here.