Bloodborne Finally Boots on PC: Full Emulation Down the Road

If the corporations won’t do it then the players will, and when something as beloved as From Software’s Bloodborne is locked to a very old console in Sony’s Playstation 4, with Sony showing no plans to port the game in any way whatsoever to PC or even to modern consoles like their Playstation 5, then you can expect emulators to step in.

Bloodborne is now bootable on PC, what this means is that Bloodborne now works on the PC though the port is still incredibly barebones and barely functions with a low enough frame rate that the world looks like it’s moving a million miles an hour but feels like it’s moving through molasses.

But the important part is, it’s there. It may take months before Bloodborne is fully emulatable on the PC but it is guaranteed to happen eventually now. It should be noted that emulation is just now getting a grasp on how to work with the Playstation 3, so something from the Playstation 4 is going to take some work.

Once Bloodborne is fully ported to the PC this could advance emulation in general, moving from the seventh gen of video games to the eighth gen. And while this process might take years, the effects of these initial stages being online might have much more immediate effects, as Sony who owns the rights to Bloodborne might see this as a threat to potential sales down the road and try to either stop progress on this port or release a port themselves, possibly both.

Regardless, it’s an exciting time to be a Souls fan. Elden Ring had only just released their highly rated Shadow of the Erdtree expansion and now this news means that one way or the other Souls fans who have never owned a Playstation 4 will now be allowed to finally experience what many call the magnum opus of the Souls series (after a long wait).

Derek Lairmore: I've been playing video games and writing my entire life, so naturally I decided to combine the two passions. I love video games and video game culture, as far back as I can remember I've not only played them, I've actively participated in their communities. I hope my history in this hobby and my enthusiasm for writing helps me convey news to you accurately and succinctly.
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