BioShock Team Hiring at Cloud Chamber

BioShock, the retro futuristic first person shooter that has players exploring undersea metropolis, and steampunk cities in the sky, has not had a new title in the mainline series since 2015’s BioShock: Infinite. The series, published by 2k, was handed over to Cloud Chamber as a team expressly focused on creating the next BioShock. Cloud Chamber was created at the end of 2019, a rough time to start working. Based on the amount of job openings the team currently has, that sentiment might still prevail.

As one of the members revealed on LinkedIn on July 3rd:

The BioShock team at 2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up! We have many positions open across a variety of disciplines including art, animation, engineering, design, narrative, and production. We are working on a really awesome project, and our studio is remote-friendly.

This post also contains a link to the recruitment page, which can also be accessed from the company’s main website. Of the 30 positions listed, most are senior level positions. Many roles seem to play key parts in all processes of the game’s development, with the Senior Writer position being the one that sticks out to me as flag for where the game may be in development. It seems that fans of the series should in no way be getting their hopes up for a release of BioShock 4 on the ten year anniversary of BioShock: Infinite. This came after rumors in May of 2023, that the game underwent a major reboot in Summer of 2022. At this point, it can reasonably be said that BioShock 4 may be experiencing development hell, and that any news barring cancellation is good news to fans. Besides that, if some fans want to try their hand at being part of the team over at Cloud Chamber, they can give the list of openings a chance.

Jack Slomka: Interactive stories have been the core of my gaming experience. The rich narratives created in video games are only heightened by their embodied nature. My love for video game narratives makes me excited to see how new stories unfold, an experience I'm excited to share with you all.
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