Big Pokemon Sun And Pokemon Moon Reveal Coming May 10th

Does your mom love Pokemon? Well, then good news this Mother’s Day!!

Meanwhile….If your mom is anything like mine, she gently shook her head while you tried to explain the difference between Pokemon Red and Yellow, and years later pointed out that while you (ie: me) couldn’t name all fifty states in the United States, but could not only readily name all original 150 Pokemon, but rap them.

Or well…Okay, maybe not Mother’s Day to be exact, but this Tuesday, May 10th.

According to a Japanese blog post from the producer of the upcoming seventh generation installment to the Pokemon official series, Junichi Masuda, hardcore Pokemon fans can expect brand new information concerning Pokemon Sun and Moon can be expected as early as May 10th at 5 o’clock in the a.m. Pacific time (better news for East Coast fans, where this would actually be a reasonable time!)

The announcement, according to the blog and several Pokemon fan twitter accounts, is supposed to be Pokemon world-altering news–meaning on a scale of news we have never encountered before. And that’s saying something if you’ve been playing since Red and Blue!

This will also be the first tidbit of Pokemon-flavored news anyone has received since it’s Sun and Moon’s official announcement back in February (remember when everyone thought it was just a rumor?)

Other gaming fans might notice that the news comes out the same day as a certain Uncharted 4 release, however the Pokemon company has for year seemingly operated under a set of rules all their own.

We can excitedly look forward to the 7th generation of Pokemon, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, out this 2016 holiday season (with perhaps a few sneak peeks at E3..?) and new information out this May 10th.

We can look forward to catching ’em all for a 7th time!

Sandra Hahn: A writer who spends too much time playing Dragon Age. Known bibliophile, and graduate in Creative Writing from UC Riverside. Can be found lurking @SandeelizHahn on Twitter.
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