E3 2019 is finally upon us, and companies are ready to show off their big projects that they’ve been working hard on. Bethesda hosted its BE3 press briefing today and had quite a bit to show. Here are the biggest announcements from there show!
Bethesda Senior Vice President of marketing Peter Hines took the stage first to open up the show after a short tribute video. He introduced the studio head of Bethesda Game Studios Todd Howard. He talked about the mobile title Elder Scrolls Blades being in early access. The project leader for the game announced their biggest update for the game that contains new jobs, jewelry, and own guilds is coming out tonight. In addition to the update they also announced that they are bringing Elder Scrolls Blades to the Nintendo Switch coming this fall. It will have cross play and cross progression with the mobile version.
Fallout 76 also received some big news as well. The game will have its biggest update yet called Wastelanders and revealed a trailer for the update. Human NPCs return, new missions, full dialogue trees and much more coming fall of this year and will be free for all Fallout 76 players. The game will also have a free trials starting tomorrow in celebration of E3. A new game mode was alo shown called Nuclear Winter which is a 52 player battle Royale mode. It includes features such as battle armor and even nukes. Players can also try the new mode this week for free.
During the conference it was revealed that the developers are still hard at work on Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 however nothing was shown of these titles. Founder of Tango Gameworks Shinji Mikami came out to announce a new game from tango called Ghostwire Tokyo. It’s an action adventure game where players will fight against a super natural enemy. Creative director of tango came out to explain more on the game where players will have to explore the world and find out why people are going missing. An ominous cinematic trailer shoes the intense environment of the game.
The studio for Elder Scrolls Online developer Matt Firor showed another trailer for Elder Scrolls Elsweyr where a familiar character in the series made an appearance. He also confirmed that Scalebreaker was coming soon.
He announced another project to be revealed by Zenimax online. The game’s director revealed a free to play mobile game called Commander Keen. The game has a fun cartoon like story mode and a PVP battle mode. The game will launch this summer on iOS and android devices.
In regards to Rage 2 they now revealed new context such as cheat codes and vehicles. And the Rise of Ghost expansion was shown off with new enemies, pilot-able mechs weapons, gameplay modes, story elements and more.
Wolfeinstien was revealed and they are bringing all new ways to kill Nazi’s. In Cyberpilot players will be able to take control of Nazi war machines and turn them against the nazis. They announced that they are working on two Wolfenstein games, this summer Wolfenstein Youngblood will launch with more weapons and more customization options. It will reportedly be bigger than and previous game within the franchise. The game will also include co-op play if the choose to bring their friends in on the Nazi fighting action. It will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo switch on July 26.
Dinga Bakaba and Sebestion Mitton from Arkan Lyon came out to announce Deathloop a first person action shooter where two rival assassins that are pitted against an endless loop of battle between each other on a mysterious island gone mad called Black Reef.
James Altman director of publishing announced some new games streaming technology called Orion. It will be able to stream content 20 percent faster using 40 percent lower bandwidth . It can be used if players are using streaming platforms like Google Stadia and Xcloud. It will allow players stream using their max settings no matter where they are.
And last but certainly not least Doom Eternal received a new action packed story trailer some new footage at their iconic gameplay, a look at their new multiplayer mode which pits 2 player controlled demons against a fully loaded out slayer, the announcement of their collectors edition that includes a slayer helmet, and finally the anticipated release date for the game which is November 22.