Battle the Doktor’s Curse in Rainbow Six Siege’s Halloween Event

Rainbow Six Siege has launched its take on the Halloween event earlier today. The event, called the Doktor’s Curse, sees some fan-favorite Operators transformed into mutated Monsters by a maddened Doc. Players will play a life-or-death version of Hide and Seek, attempting to stay away from Doc’s horrifying creations, or test their skill and luck to destroy them outright. The Doktor’s Curse event is live now and will run until November 6. You can check out the Event Trailer below.

According to the Rainbow Six website, Doc went a little nuts after the closure of Theme Park. He holed himself up in the park’s castle and began his horrifying experiments. In the end, the mad Doc created five mutated, trap-based Defenders. The limited-time game mode will pit the mutated Defenders against “a squad of mysterious Exterminators,” each equipped with a special version of Sledge’s hammer. Their goal is to either survive the night or ruthlessly take out Doc’s sinister creations.

While that may sound easier said than done, Doc has created quite the army of Monsters for himself. The Exterminators will go up against a hybrid Smoke, reaper Kaplan, a demonic Frost, a zombified Lesion, and a revenant Ela. Neither team will be equipped with weapons, save for the hammers for the Exterminators, and melee attacks have also been disabled. The mutated creatures do have their normal trap gadgets, but will also be able to go invisible for a short time with an ability called Nightstride. To even the playing field just a little bit, the Exterminators will be able to choose one of three special gadgets: Jackal’s Eyenox Model III, Lion’s EE-ONE-D, or Pulse’s Cardiac Sensor. The gadgets will assist in locating the Doc’s creations.r

In addition to the game mode, players will have the opportunity to collect the event items with the Doktor’s Curse Collection. The Collection “contains the uniforms and headgears of the Doktor’s Curse event Monsters as well as their matching weapon skins and charms. Smoke, Kapkan, Frost, Lesion and Ela thus each get their own set of four items and so do Doc and Bandit, for a total of 28 items.” Players can obtain all the items by completing Event Challenges or purchasing them for 300 R6 credits apiece. Sledge’s items will also be available for purchase in the Sledge Bounty Bundle.

The Doktor’s Curse event begins today, October 23, and runs until November 6. Will the Monsters or the Exterminators survive the night? Only you can decide.

Mike Gemignani: I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a passion for writing and video games. If I'm not playing Overwatch or Rocket League, I'm probably playing some $2 Steam game or watching hockey.
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