Capcom’s much celebrated Ace Attorney series crashes the court of the Nintendo Switch, the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam as the second trilogy of the franchise, the Apollo Justice trilogy, becomes available for all the aforementioned platforms.
This Apollo Justice trilogy includes the titular Apollo’s first game with Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, as well as its sequel starring Athena Cykes and the returning legendary lawyer Phoenix Wright in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. Finally, the trilogy rounds itself out with an international adventure in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. This trilogy comes not only with these games, but also all the DLC the games had in previous versions, such as bonus cases.
Players can enjoy the well crafted cases and beloved characters the series in known for, but just playing through the stories of these games isn’t all. This trilogy package also includes an orchestra hall to enjoy Phoenix Wright’s amazing soundtrack, complete with chibi versions of the characters to lead the orchestra. The game also comes with an art library to enjoy the spritework and background art that have given the series the unique charm and flair that have allowed the series to have such an illustrious 20+ year history.
And last but certainly not least, players can enjoy an animation studio mode and take their favorite attorneys, prosecutors, and witnesses and create their own stories and cases with it. This is a feature that many fans have been asking for for a long time, to the extent of even making fan versions of prior Ace Attorney games for the sake of creating original content, so feel free to let your imagination run wild with this new feature.
It’s fantastic to see this franchise get the love and respect it truly deserves, so if you want to experience the second half of a history defining franchise then be sure to purchase the Apollo Justice Trilogy on Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC through Steam today.