After Nearly A Decade, Zynga Has Relased FarmVille 3

FarmVille 3, the third edition of the iconic mobile game franchise, has just been released this past week on November 4th and is now fully available for download. Here is why you should consider checking it out. This animal breeding and agriculture simulation game is rated #1 in family on the App Store. The first FarmVille game was first launched way back in 2009 and turned out to be an internet sensation.  Farmville 2 was released all the way back in 2012 meaning that this newest game in the series is nine years in waiting. This can no doubt be an effort by Zynga, the game’s developers, to bring in a new pool of young players.

The main premise of the game begins with choosing which animal to raise. There are a plethora of adorable baby animals to choose from including sheep, cows, horses, and many more. The animal chosen then produces a product that can be traded or sold for a profit. There are more rare animals that can be unlocked through breeding which produce more valuable goods, much like how a farm in real life would function. More rare animals include polar bears and penguins, foxes, kangaroos, and pandas. It doesn’t stop here. There are over 150 different animal breeds to be discovered. In addition, you can design the layout of your farm, grow plants in the garden, and build building settlements. 

So what’s new? The biggest addition in the latest installment is a social trading market where online players can barter with each other directly. There will also now be an option to control the weather as well as new skins for the farmers. You can download FarmVille 3 through the App Store and on Google Play. The game is free to download with the option of in-app purchases.

Emma McCandless: I am an aspiring writer/editor, but I love all forms of the creative process from game/art design to dancing. Currently I am studying as an English major at University of California, Irvine. Here at mxdwn, I write news and reviews on mobile games.
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