25,000 H1Z1 Cheaters Banned

Daybreak’s zombie survival MMO H1Z1 is still in its Early Access phase, and one of the many problems the developer has been ironing out is the epidemic of cheaters plaguing the zombie infested game.

Many of the game’s cheaters were using hacks from TMCheats, a website that sells aimbots, wallhacks and other illicit programs for games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, CounterStrike GO, and of course, H1Z1. As you might expect, many legitimate players of H1Z1 have been complaining about having to deal with the infestation of hackers in the game.

 As such, Daybreak has gone on the warpath, banning nearly 25,000 cheaters from H1Z1, according to company president John Smedley. “Please keep using and supporing TMCHEATS. We aren’t banning users who use it at all,” reads a sarcastic tweet from the outspoken man.

When a user pointed out that the loss of 25,000 players from the game would translate to a significant loss in revenue, Smedley fired back: “I’m saying we don’t want their damn money. We don’t want them back.”

As if that wasn’t enough to voice his displeasure at cheaters, Smedley added: “You don’t think we know these cockroaches? We do. We are going to be relentless and public. Screw not provoking them.”

Kerwin Tsang: Kerwin has been a gamer for almost as long as he's been alive, ever since he received a Sega Mega Drive in 1989. Having graduated to the upper echelons of PC gaming, he now boasts a number of major gaming accomplishments. These include getting through all three Deus Ex games without killing anyone, clocking in over 700 hours of gameplay time in Skyrim without ever finishing the main story, and nearly shattering every bone in his hand from punching the wall when his soldiers in XCOM missed a shot with 95% chance to hit.
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