Xbox Home Screen and Store Redesign

Xbox Lives new Home Screen will make it simpler and easier than ever to access your games, content, and entertainment you’ve grown to love. First it will be split into four sections. The first section is home, the second section will be all about community, the third section is one guide, and the fourth section will be store. These should be all too familiar, but now nicely compact and laid out for ease of access more than ever before says IGN.

The first three areas of the home screen are all about you says Microsoft. Home will obviously be related all to your video games that you own and play on a daily basis. This will include the my stuff section which has blocky selectable titles of all the games you currently own.  The community section will include all the social media aspects of Xbox live including friends, achievements by other people, gaming and Xbox news and more. It will be a simple and fun way to check out exactly what people are playing, how far they have gotten, and if they might have an edge on you on completing that offline campaign mode.

The third section One Guide or multimedia is all of your television and video content including Netflix, video, special multimedia apps and more. Making it very possible for you to rent movies, watch ESPN, or Netflix, depending on what kind of cable and video services you subscribe to.

The last section the store is very simplistic at first but as soon as you open it you will get to “major categories” says IGN in their interview. Which include games, apps, movies& TV , and music. So you can simply access whatever kind of entertainment you are in the mood to purchase and enjoy.

They claim that the store will also work a lot faster as well as “reduce number of clicks” to get to any content in the store says IGN. They also have prioritized important information in the store so you can get to what people care about most. This update will roll out this month so get ready for smoother browsing and more of the entertainment you like.

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