Warcraft III: Reforged Multiplayer Beta Starts This Week

Warcraft III: Reforged, a top to bottom remaster of the 2002 real-time strategy game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne announced at BlizzCon 2018 will be starting its multiplayer beta this week with limited access to the orc and human races within 1v1 and 2v2 matchmaking. Undead and night elf races, as well as more game modes, will be added in the weeks ahead.

Warcraft III: Reforged will feature brand new art designs and full support from Battle.net. The game supports 4k for those who are able to use it and the World Editor tool makes a return. Invitations to the beta will be sent out over the coming weeks. Players who pre-ordered the Spoils of War edition of the game will get the initial invitations.

The Spoils of War edition of Warcraft III: Reforged comes with additional perks alongside access to the multiplayer beta. Players will get Beyond the Meat Wagon mount in World of Warcraft, Thrall Anub’arak, Jaina and Tyrande in Heroes of the Storm, and the Third War card back in Hearthstone. Furthermore, players will get Champion of the Horde Thrall, Daughter of the Seas Proudmoore, Fallen King Arthas and Emerald Nightmare Cenarius skins for Warcraft III: Reforged; Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf and Linch King player icons and Footman, Grunt, Ghoul and Archer animated sprays for Overwatch; Players will also get a Mal’ganis pet in Diablo III, Starcraft II console skins and a Starcraft: Remastered Spoils of War console.

The announcement of Warcraft III: Reforged‘s multiplayer beta kicking off comes just before BlizzCon 2019 where it looks like we’ll get news and announcements from the next World of Warcraft expansion and Overwatch 2. Diablo IV may have also been leaked. This is all after the situation of the banning of Chung ‘blitzchung’ Ng Wai who spoke out about the Hong Kong protests. After backlash from the ban and Blizzard’s response, protests have been planned for BlizzCon 2019.

Paul David Nuñez: I love to escape my reality with books, music, television, movies, and games. If I'm not doing anything important, I'm probably doing one of these things. P.S. The Matrix Has You
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