Battlefield Hardline has fallen under some criticism for its $50 premium Hardline package that will have four expansions and go into the year 2016. Some gamers have taken this as Visceral Games holding back content and saving it as a future DLC for Battlefield. That would not be very nice of them to do that, but lead multiplayer designer Thad Sasser had this to say: “My response to that is I don’t know how it could be included in the full game because it’s not built yet. So that would be a real magic trick for us to include something that we haven’t built yet.” This should be good news and honestly it’s kind of a funny response from Thad; at least we know Visceral Games still can have a sense of humor.
Another game fell under similar debate about DLC: Evolve by Turtle Rock Studios.. They had released enough DLC that would amount to the total cost of $136 at the game’s release date of February 10th, 2015. If you would like to read more on Evolve and the issue they had, just follow this link to article that covers the whole story.
Visceral games went on to tell GameSpot in an interview that “Obviously, we’ve talked about it, we’ve thought about it, we’ve got some designs, we’ve got some things we’re working on. But there’s nothing that we could actually ship today that would be part of the game. So I don’t even see how that conversation even realistically happens,”
At least Visceral are up front with what they are thinking. How do you feel about this situation? Do you feel Visceral Games is telling the truth? Whichever way the bridge falls, will you be picking up Battlefield Hardline March 17? Stay tuned to mxdwn games for everything awesome related to video game news.