Counter-Strike: Global Offensive fans have been able to design their own weapon finishes, or skins, for years on the Steam Workshop. Now, they have the opportunity to do so for large sums of money. Starting July 22, and ending October 21, 2021, Valve is hosting Dreams and Nightmares: a $1 million art contest for weapon finishes that follow a dream or nightmare theme to be featured in the game. The one million dollar cash prize will be divided among the top 10 skins as decided by Valve, with each winner receiving $100,000.
Today we are announcing the CS:GO Dreams & Nightmares Workshop contest; a $1M CS:GO art contest looking for 10 original dream or nightmare-themed weapon finishes to be shipped in an upcoming case. More information here: https://t.co/mdmInLmUJk pic.twitter.com/y8KgyV46Q1
— CS:GO (@CSGO) July 21, 2021
The rules are simple. Both groups and individuals can enter, and all anyone needs is a non-limited Steam account in good standing (with purchases of $5 or more). Items will be formatted and submitted through the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Steam Workshop. Anyone can submit as many times as they would like, and if they are just so talented at designing weapon finishes that they win twice, they will receive both sums of prize money. Upon winning, Valve will not own the rights to the artwork but will retain a non-exclusive license to use the art within the game.
Final submissions are due October 21st, 2021, and the winners will be announced after Valve makes its decision on November 21st. There are of course regulations as to the allowed content on the skins, but this contest provides an opportunity for artists and gamers to make some money and give back to the CS: GO community by doing what they love and tapping into their creativity. Hopefully, over the course of the contest, everyone will get to see some sick gun designs and have some fun with it.