Valve Finally Begins Banning Aimbots From TF2

Things are finally looking up for fans of Team Fortress 2 (TF2). Valve has seemingly paid attention to recent criticism of TF2, and begun taking steps against game-breaking issues like aim-bots on Thursday.

The gameplay experience within TF2 has unfortunately taken a sharp decline in recent years. Despite being one of Valve’s longest running online games, the TF2 community has felt that the company was deliberately running the game down. This lead to fans campaigning across the Internet under the #SaveTF2 hashtags, signing petitions, and even boycotting the game to force Valve to pay attention to their concerns.

Thankfully, it seems that Valve has finally stepped in. TF2 players took notice on Thursday day that a majority of the bots plaguing the game were suddenly gone. For many, it was a long waited change but most TF2 fans still want Valve to do more, after being ignored for so long by the company.

As for the #SaveTF2 organizers, unless Valve continues further action against their criticisms of the game, their boycott continues. As for what the movement will do in the future, #SaveTF2 organizers that the group will be visiting Valve sometime in August but, any further information is still unknown.

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