Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) has taken several steps in the past to help equip their players with tools to silence abuse and profane content. Players have the option to mute players, names and even player profiles and avatars in CS:GO’s settings or on the scoreboard. Now, Valve is developing a new programme that is intended to preemptively mute players that are reported for abuse.
Valve’s reasoning for the new programme is that the current options available to players mutes team communication too indiscriminately. The new programme is designed to track the number of reports players gets for abuse by other players. Players that have a large amount of reports will receive an automated warning that they have been reported and soon will be muted. If the offending player receives more reports, they will be automatically muted from then on.
Players that are muted by the new programme will not only be muted for the duration of the game but for the every other game. Muted players will only have a chance to unmute themselves after accumulating a set amount of experience. Other players can manually unmuted the afflicted player just as they would to manually mute them.
Valve has said that reports are weighed higher or lower by which account sent the report. They are measured between number of reports sent against the amount of games played. Players that send a high number of reports while not playing many games will have their reports valued less than a player that does the opposite. Valve also promised that reports that are sent will be completely anonymous.
Valve has not stated how many reports are needed to get a player muted or when a warning message would be sent. It is also has not be stated how much experience would be needed to get a player unmuted. Finally, its not confirmed when the new programme will be rolled out for CS:GO.