Vanillaware is often cited as one of the best and most underappreciated companies in video games, and certainly one of the prettiest, their unique artstyle has created several side scrolling experiences that have knocked the socks off their fanbase again and again, but unfortunately, they haven’t been met with too much mainstream commercial success. So much so that Vanillaware ran out of funds to develop their latest game, Unicorn Overlord, and had to pay for the rest of development out of pocket as reported by Gamingbolt. Luckily for Vanillaware, then, that it seems that Unicorn Overlord is selling extremely well in Japan.
Atlus announced Unicorn Overlord is currently selling out in Japan with shortages expected until they can get more copies to retailers.
Happy to see Unicorn Overlord is selling better than they thought it would! pic.twitter.com/Xb1pYKVKTK
— Stealth (@Stealth40k) March 12, 2024
As stated in the above tweet, Unicorn Overlord is selling so well that there is actually a shortage of physical copies in Japan, and customers hungry to get their hands on Vanillaware’s take on a tactical roleplaying game are going to have to wait until retailers receive more copies to stock their shelves. Maybe it is just my inexperience with physical media, but for stores across the country to literally run out of stock for a video game is practically unheard of.
It really is a good thing that Unicorn Overlord is doing so well domestically, and that’s not even counting how well it’s doing across the sea, where it is actually pretty popular in the West. As stated before Vanillaware is a very underappreciated developer, their previous title 13 Sentinels was massively underrated, and with Unicorn Overlord doing so well we can only hope that this leads to more beautifully drawn and masterfully developed games from them.
If you want to experience Unicorn Overlord then feel free to buy the game right now (we haven’t quite run out of physical copies here in the West) on Xbox Series X|S, Playstations 4 and 5, and the Nintendo Switch.