Uncharted 4 Thief’s End is Pushed Back to Spring 2016

Have you ever seen someone with the worst luck in the world, while having the best luck to keep them alive? Any gamer that has played Uncharted has. Nathan Drake is known for his wild adventures, funny one liners, and nearly dying from every step or climb that he takes. Sadly the most recent installment of Uncharted series, A Thief’s End has been delayed to the Spring of 2016.

Most gamers have all experienced a game that was released too soon with bugs and other game breaking glitches. Neil Druckmann, Creative Director at Naughty Dog, posted a blog about this, which read: “Since we showed you our first gameplay reveal of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, more of the game and story have come together, and it’s become clear to us that this game is much more ambitious than we originally envisioned.” He went on to say “After spending so many years with Nathan Drake, he means a lot to the team, and telling the climactic chapter of his adventures is a task we don’t take lightly.”

Uncharted is one of those games that when you first play it, you become part of the story and you become Nathan Drake. It manages to make you feel like a part of the world with its one of a kind storytelling which can make you cry, exotic environment that will wow you with every step, suspenseful action that causes you to cheer, his near death experiences that make you very glad for a normal life, and don’t forget Nathan’s one liners which can cause you to be laughing to yourself for a few minutes.

After getting pulled into this world you can’t help but keep playing, you end up just telling yourself “one more hour and I’ll be done,” but we all know it won’t just one more hour. Well if this description doesn’t make you want to run out your door and buy the first Uncharted game you see, maybe this trailer will.

Uncharted is a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Sorry Xbox and PC users, this game is possibly the biggest title the PlayStation 4 has to offer. There are sure to be a lot of gamers that are sad to hear about the delay of this AAA title, and one can only hope this doesn’t become a trend.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was originally shown at a 2013 PlayStation 4 launch event, as the first next-gen adventure for series hero Nathan Drake. Let me know how you feel about this delay. Did Naughty Dog make the right call?

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